medical solutions

Chattanooga is an American company manufacturing medical equipment for physiotherapy, founded in 1947 in Tennessee. At the moment, the company is one of the largest manufacturers of physiotherapy equipment.

Chattanooga produces stabiloplatforms, physiotherapy combines, wireless myostimulators that facilitate the patient's rehabilitation process, and wireless technology allows you to engage in almost any physical therapy during rehabilitation.

HUBER 360 MD - Stabilization platform with biofeedback
HUBER 360 MD - Стабилоплатформа с биологической обратной связью
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Chattanooga Wireless Pro Dock - wireless muscle stimulator
Chattanooga Wireless Pro Dock — беспроводной миостимулятор
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INTELECT MOBILE Combo Физиотерапевтический комбайн
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INTELECT ADVANCED Combo - Physiotherapy combine
INTELECT ADVANCED Combo - Физиотерапевтический комбайн
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INTELECT MOBILE Stim - A new generation device for electrotherapy
INTELECT MOBILE Stim - Аппарат нового поколения для электротерапии
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INTELECT ADVANCED Stim - A new generation device for electrotherapy
INTELECT ADVANCED Stim - Аппарат нового поколения для электротерапии
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