medical solutions

The Korean company Sungdo manufactures and develops medical simulators for active and active-passive mechanotherapy of limbs, as well as the company produces video systems for the diagnosis of ENT diseases, optical tomographs, autorefractometers for eye diagnostics, ophthalmological contactless tonometers.

Sungdo aims to provide medical care to all those in need.

SP-1000P for Children – Apparatus for active-passive mechanotherapy of extremities
SP-1000P Детский — Аппарат для активно-пассивной механотерапии конечностей
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SE-1000 – Apparatus for active mechanotherapy of extremities
SE-1000 — Аппарат для активной механотерапии конечностей
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SP-1000 - device for active-passive mechanotherapy of extremities
SP-1000 - аппарат для активно-пассивной механотерапии конечностей
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